Wave 1: Revna's Wrath
Ewashia, Mistress of Tides [Concept Unit] 2/8
Onshu the Welkineye [Concept Unit] 4/8
Vrono the Brambletoth [Concept Unit] 5/8
Oathbound Phalanx [Concept Unit] 6/8
* CONCEPT UNIT: This unit was designed for an as-of-then-unreleased Age of Annihilation figure. Organizers for Heroscape events that allow NGC figures may choose to specify whether Concept Units are legal to play in that event.
Wave 2: Volarak's Vow
Air Marshal Zed Nesbitt [Concept Unit] 1/4
Girushia Grove Keeper [Concept Unit] 2/4
* CONCEPT UNIT: This unit was designed for an as-of-then-released Age of Annihilation figure. Organizers for Heroscape events that allow NGC figures may choose to specify whether Concept Units are legal to play in that event.
Wave 3: Whenua Streetside
Destructible Objects:
Terrain Objects:
Wave 4: High Noon Over Crumland
* CONCEPT UNIT: This unit was not finished before NGC's hiatus. Organizers for Heroscape events that allow NGC figures may choose to specify whether Concept Units are legal to play in that event.