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The Book of Ixilia Brightfall

The figure used is Tiefling Battle Cleric from Jigglystix. Print at 100% scale. Single base.


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Written by Anitar

Atavion had covered his trail well. No footprints, no wheel tracks, nothing to suggest that any living soul had ever come this way. Perhaps that would be enough, if it were anyone else who came for him; but Ixilia Brightfall was not so easily deterred. She knew the man well, far too well. It was only a matter of days before she, with help from her bloodhound Beru, came face-to-face with the hidden entrance to his hideout.

The two of them slipped inside, alone except for each other. Perhaps she should have found more backup, but that process would take time. Every extra day she waits is another day for Atavion to scheme, to destroy, to prepare more traps. The halls of the hideout were eerily silent, save for the clatter of each trap that couldn't be avoided or incinerated. They stung, to be sure, but Ixilia kept pushing. Pressure plates, secret passages, pitfalls, and illusions... The man was paranoid beyond reason, yet his efforts couldn't stop Beru from sniffing out the only viable path forward.

Atavion himself was the first to speak when Ixilia made her way into his chamber, hopping past a tripwire in the doorway. "So the girl has come to murder me after all. I should have expected no less, from the moment that demon gave birth to you—It's in your blood," he spat.

"Atavion Brightfall." She didn't dare rise to her human father's bait. "You are accused of grand larceny, of embezzlement, endangering the public, attempted murder... and high treason. Come with me, or there will be violence."

"Such pretty words," he said with a twisted grin. "All those little justifications, whatever it takes to pretend that you're a hero, to convince yourself that you're anything but a natural killer. By all means, child, shoot me, but d—"

She shot him. He had the gall to look surprised, even, his jaw dropping as he watched his lifeblood drain through the new hole in his neck.

Flames roared to life in the halls as his expression changed to a pained smirk. Brighter and hotter than even a tiefling could handle. He had a Contingency prepared, Ixilia realized. The flames spread, covering every exit quicker than she could move. She wasn't going to make it out of here. Perhaps if she had brought along a wizard... no, there was no use dwelling on the what-ifs. From the moment she chose this lifestyle, she knew it would someday cost her life. She accepted it. But Beru deserved better; he was just a pup, trotting into situations he couldn't possibly understand.

Ixilia held Beru close, clenching her eyes shut. She didn't want to see how this ended. Indeed, she didn't see a thing as the magic of the wellsprings lit up around the two of them, plunging them into a new life, no less violent than the one they left behind.



Range Special. Attack 3.

Choose 3 spaces in a straight line from Ixilia Brightfall. All figures on those spaces that are in line of sight are affected by Beru's Flame. Roll attack dice once for all affected figures. Each figure rolls defense dice separately.


Once per turn, when Ixilia, or an adjacent Vigilante you control, is wounded by an attack from an opponent's figure, you may roll the d20. If you roll a 13 or higher, inflict 1 wound to the attacking figure. Any figure wounded by Hellish Rebuke must be within clear sight of Ixilia.


Ixilia Brightfall never rolls for molten lava damage or lava field damage and she does not have to stop in molten lava spaces.



[NGC] 'Lobo Rojo' Ramos is a Vigilante for the purpose of Hellish Rebuke.

[NGC] Strider 443 is a Vigilante for the purpose of Hellish Rebuke.


[NGC] 'Lobo Rojo' Ramos can take turns with Ixilia through Drygulch.

[NGC] Ixilia is a Vigilante for the purpose of Strider 443's Bide for Time.


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